Upcoming Comics June 16, 2014

Yard Work 9 by Dreamtales

Luke and Nicole share a moment in Yard Work 9.

Mega Bikini Bomb Blast is the next chapter of Bojay’s size changing Pacific Island series. in Part One the guys witnessed two bomb blasts that turned the lovely island ladies into mini-GTS and Shrunken Women. What will happen this time? [Hint: it says Mega in the comic title]

Pay What You Want For this Mega Bikini comic, I’m trying out a Pay What You Want model, where you can specify the purchase price. Although it’s a suggested price of $5.99 you can pay anything from 99 cents to $5.99 or more. All proceeds will be used to make new comics with Bojay.

This is an experiment. If it works out I might try more Pay What You Want comics in the future.

Yard Work Part 9 should be ready by mid-July, with 42 pages of action: Luke and Nicole are reunited, Mom gets big, and Amy and Luke duke it out!

I might try a different approach with this comic too, adding an option for a Collectors’ Edition that includes the inking and sketch pages. Is that something that anyone would be interested in?

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44 thoughts on “Upcoming Comics

  1. corey

    3 things 1 I like the idea of pay what you want it can allow people to view what you have to offer even if they might be a bit short on cash good thinking. 2 mom gets big does she? ‘:) any chance of anyone else growing? (hint: she’s blonde). 3 I like the idea of a collectors edition maybe do it like ZZZ comics do it with previews of upcoming comics sketch art and alternate scenes looking forward to part 9 but it won’t be easy because I love this series so much!

  2. Alexis32

    BIG news!

    Bojay is a fantastic artist.
    I hope to see the mega bikini girls soon

    YW 9 will be excellent
    The return of Nicole.
    Amy vs Luke
    Big mommy

    1. dreamtales Post author

      Wow, thank you for offering. It is always helpful to spread the word – if you like the comics please post on the various boards so people see that. And reviews here are really helpful too.

      Thanks for the support!

      1. Justin

        I do that all the time. So when can we expect Mega bikini bomb blast? I’m actually more excited for that then the next YW.

    1. 142

      Speriamo di si …
      Ma sopratutto speriamo che mamma sia sessualmente attiva come nella parte finale del capitolo 8 ….

  3. Greg

    Almost July. Dreamtales, any chance we could get another preview image to tease what’s coming up later?

    Will patiently wait till it’s ready so you can keep up the high quality. But would love to see another sneak peek.


  4. rr

    I congratulate you for this excellent publication… only 3 questions I have… the mother will be permanently from 10 feet… in the encounter with nicole it will grow… When are you going to publish part 9… how many pages will be

  5. anongts

    It will probably out in the next 2 weeks since dreamtales said it will be out in mid July, I really hope it will be a good chapter after waiting this long we deserve a great chapter! And please dreamtales do the AG version if you must but keep up the YW series! It is literally the best gts comic on the Internet.

    1. dreamtales Post author

      It is looking like July 15th or so. There is a delay in coloring but hopefully it will be ready then. Thanks for the patience!

      I do hope you will like this one, it should be a fun chapter.

  6. 142

    Dreamtales , siamo in bramosa attesa del nono capitolo.
    C’è sempre molta attesa per le uscite di YW e man mano che ci avviciniamo alla data ogni ora sembra un eternità …
    Credo che tutti siamo in attesa della mamma che tornerà ad essere grande e magari ancora più grande e calda di quanto visto fino ad ora …
    Prego almeno un commento, una notizia , una anticipazione …


  7. Jos

    I think Amy needs to give Luke another big intimidating hug like in the 2nd or 3rd chapter – can’t remember which. So happy the story is moving back to them.

      1. corey

        hey anything involving the Luke against Amy dynamic guarantees a few good laughs can’t wait dreamtales will there be a part 10?

      1. 142

        Oramai conto le ore …
        Non vedo l’ora di vedere una calda e sexy mamma in questo nuovo capitolo …
        Domani e’ il 15, spero in una sorpresa ….


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